You are unique as is the way we would work together

Perhaps you just want to make peace with one specific issue or you're looking for big picture changes

Together in person or over skype we go through Four Simple Steps

1. Map it out

In your head everything can get very jumbled and overwhelming.  That’s why I am THE MIND MAPPING QUEEN!

Who knew that my business and systems expertise would be so useful for sorting through peoples brains as well.

2.  Find the Juice!

Hone in on the juiciest pieces.  Those dreams, projects, and ways of being you most desire (The fun stuff!  Did someone say fun?!).  We also find the juicy pieces full of negative beliefs, emotions and perceptions that keep you stuck.


3.  Change your Mind

The biggest piece for a reason.  Your emotions are a very big clue for you.  What you focus on internally is the single biggest thing you need to change.  Those  barriers that keep you from getting on with the things you really want.  I’m not talking about what you say you are going to do out loud, it’s the truth of what’s going on inside your head and what you really think and feel that counts the most.  This is where Tapping becomes our single most useful tool in assisting you to make peace with your old stuff, and let it go once and for all, and then to create happier more empowering memories and beliefs that empower you forward.

4.  Upgrade the skills that matter.

Once your mind is at peace and you are inspired, you need to plug your skills gaps.  I’m talking emotional skills (like setting good boundaries or taking time for yourself without the guilt), and tangible skills (like writing a proposal, budgeting or eating well).   Useful stuff … although you probably have most of that already.

Then go forth. Create and prosper.