Healthy and Happy Employees equals Happy and Satisfied Customers
Support the emotional health and wellbeing of your teamEmotional intelligence in the work place
Intelligence, vocational skill and years of experience are not everything.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and wellbeing, enables people to identify, use, understand, and manage their emotions in an effective and positive way.
At work, a high EQ assists individuals to communicate better, reduce their anxiety and stress, minimise conflict situations and diffuse them when they arise, improve relationships, empathise with others, and effectively overcome challenges.
Employee Health and Wellbeing Programs
Assist your team to understand how their mind works and how to control and react to difficult situations with confidence and personal powerOur group trainings and one-on-one coaching programs will assist your staff to:
- Lower their stress and learn how to change the way they feel
- Feel confident and resourceful as they approach challenging situations or relationships
- Develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence in approaching challenges and opportunities at work
- Build fulfilling and effective relationships, with themselves, their colleagues, management and most importantly, their customers
- Build the capacity to step in to multiple perspectives and points of view in relating with others
- Transform stressful internal states and situations quickly and easily
- Empower staff with tools to deal with difficult people and situations elegantly
Organisations who care about and are committed to their employees’ wellbeing enjoy:
- Increased engagement and effective work place contribution – in daily activities, creative problem solving and participation in the organisational vision as a whole
- Decreased absenteeism and employee turnover
- A community of employee Brand Ambassadors – singing the praises of their workplace and organically sharing and demonstrating the positive culture with potential customers near and far.
Contact me. I’d love to meet you and understand your needs.
+31 642 772583 [email protected]

After working with Janine my energy for my business improved so dramatically I engaged her to work with my employees too
I went to Janine because I was feeling stuck and lacking in focus in my business. I was doubting myself, I had fear around working with new clients, and just not enjoying myself.
Working with Janine I was surprised at the depth of emotion and stress that I was holding on to from a recent life events, and she expertly guided me through a processes and taught me techniques so that I could heal and find empowering perspective.
I hadn’t realised how much this stuck emotion was showing up everywhere in my life, especially in my energy for the business.
I now feel so much lighter, clearer, brighter, focussed and inspired again.
My employees got great value out of the sessions, and learned how to handle their emotions and stress.
Thank you so much Janine.
I feel so full of possibility again. Like I’ve returned to my natural state. I’m inspired to share my greatest gift and purpose in this world which is my art and my creativity.
Since the session, my current business partnership has become harmonious, accepting and generous of spirit. I stop and relate to where people are coming from, acknowledge their own experience, and work with them from that place, rather than feeling they are out to get me or screw me over.
The way I respond to potential business calls is different. I’m not suspicious of the others’ motives anymore, which means I am open to possibilities of partnerships going somewhere!!! I literally step in to the conversation … “I’m here, what do you need and what can we do together?”. One of my inventions is now in the process of being taken up by a major supermarket chain here in the Netherlands. Im out there planting my creativity and loving it. So much possibility has opened up.
The whole thing came together. Everything started landing.
Why Janine?
Janine, was like a beacon there showing me I was on the right track.
A beacon doesn’t push you in any particular direction, it just gives you some light to see what you need, how to rely on your own strength and to discover your own right direction.
Janine has this amazing presence, that is both neutral and sensitive. She does not judge at all.
The week after working with Janine, I noticed my heart rate had dropped by about 10, and had been hovering around 60, instead of 70. Five months later as I share this update, I have not seen my heart rate go above 75, and it continues to hover around the 60 mark.
The coaching process was thought provoking, beautiful, and delivered with sensitivity, skill and wisdom by Janine. I received several remarkable insights into myself and my life at a time when I thought I knew myself very well. These insights have truly changed the way I live in a subtle and very positive way. I would recommed this program to anyone prepared to take a small amount of time to listen to themselves, learn about themselves, feel gratitude and happily accept themselves for who they are. Thank you Janine.
I was burned out and wanting my inspiration back for my photography business