Would you love to know how to love yourself just the way you are?
So you can stop ….
- Feeling insecure, deeply unworthy, and like you’re just not enough
- Worrying and fearing what others will think about you
- Feeling you should be someone different or that there’s something wrong with you
- Putting yourself last and feeling powerless to get your needs met
- Talking to yourself in such negative, critical and degrading ways
- Feeling confused, unsatisfied and disillusioned about creating the things you most desire in your life
What you need is ….
- Be guided through a deep and transformative coaching process with total love and acceptance by a caring, and professional practitioner.
- Learn how you are actually, very successfully generating your experience, very uniquely, through how you think, feel, and perceive your past, present and future world, and how you can begin to produce what you really want.
- Find peace and empowering perspectives as you transform uncomfortable emotions, memories and beliefs deep within that you have not been able to resolve (no matter how much personal growth you’ve done, or therapists and practitioners you have been to).
- To create a loving, kind and supportive internal world where you know, deep down inside, at the very core of your identity, that you are worthy, that you are safe and you are loved.
I believe that connecting deeply with ourselves and each other creates the space to be with the truth of who we are and what we need to support us in our growth.
I am passionate about supporting such amazingly bright and talented people to connect with their brilliance, their lovability, and their beautiful amazing selves so they can go out in to the world feeling inspired to create what they desire.

The Love Yourself Program
This 90 Day 1:1 Program is for Bright and Talented People who have tried everything yet still feel Stuck
- Stop feeling insecure and bad about yourself
- Feel deeply loved and loveable
- Know what your needs are, and how to get them met, powerfully and elegantly
- Transform uncomfortable emotions (such as sadness, anger, fear, guilt and shame)
- Create a world inside of yourself that feels caring, supportive and kind
- Be able to go out and create your life, feeling so loved and secure that you are motivated and inspired and energised
- Feel at peace and comfortable in your own skin
- Feel light, attractive, open, and energised
This will impact your they way you show up in relation to love, relationships, money, and career.
What if you felt so safe, secure and loved, that life just became a fun playground, full of opportunities to be curious, to play, to love, to create wildly, and to explore?
6 x bi-weekly 1.5-2 hour deep coaching sessions
Personalised “Journey to Self Love” online diary – with your newly uncovered possibility statements, realisations and inspirations
Hand-picked exercises, reflections, readings or short viewing pieces selected especially for you to support you in your self love journey
From feeling like a failure with debilitating social anxiety, to feeling confident, loving towards myself and believing in myself
Working with Janine through her Love Yourself programme, I’ve stopped seeing myself as a failure, as someone with no skills, no future and no hope. I realise that I was thinking in a negative way and needed to change that. I know I just have to learn a whole bunch of new skills that will come through new positive experiences, which I’m embracing now. I just applied for a volunteer counsellor role – I would NEVER have done that before the work we did together!
I finally really understand that my present day problems stem from beliefs formed by my past experiences.
I’ve become positive, happier, optimistic, I have self belief and I’ve started going into situations I’ve avoided for years and it’s good.
I’ve become calmer, less judgemental and more tolerant of others when they freak out. I understand they’re acting out the programmes they have and it’s their problem not mine. I don’t take it personally anymore.
A monk from my daughter’s old school recently came to visit. Once back home he messaged her and told her she lived in a happy home. I cried so much. Partly because I was aware of how much progress I’d made letting anyone come to visit, especially a monk and partly because I’ve been so absorbed in working on myself, that I hadn’t even noticed how much improvement had occured. At that point it really hit me that I am on the right track doing the right things and it’s all starting to work out.
Janine, I really enjoyed working with you because I found you to be outgoing, easy going, friendly, intelligent, understanding and supportive. You’re professional and go the extra mile. Thanks to your wisdom you could see the bigger picture and help me connect the dots. You were encouraging but never too pushy – that would have sent me running for the hills. You are worldly and that enhances your ability to understand, connect and help people. You always seemed to say just the thing I needed to hear to help me change my viewpoint. You gave me the courage to embrace the challenges and appreciate the little steps of progress I made along the way. You have a positive energy that made me think, ‘that’s how I want to be, so I’ve gotta stop moping around.’ I really can say I love myself now. I could not have said that before we worked together. Thank you so much.
I have had too many benefits to mention them all.
Before participating in the coaching program, I was feeling blocked in my job without permanency, a little lost and depressed and in particular, wanting to create a relationship so I could have children. My body clock was ticking.
I was amazed at the insights and realisations I had as the time unfolded. With the expert guidance and insight of Janine, we picked up on things I had not thought of previously and it enabled me to process what came up.
I have shared with many of my friends how I got my life back.
I am no longer lost, blocked or depressed (not that anyone new I felt like that). I am going to live my life how I want it. Not wait for someone. Just live! Not let my life pass me by waiting for someone to do the things I want to do.
I highly recommend anyone to participate in any kind of coaching offered by Janine to better themselves. and feel more love for themselves and their lives.
The coaching process was thought provoking, beautiful, and delivered with sensitivity, skill and wisdom by Janine. I received several remarkable insights into myself and my life at a time when I thought I knew myself very well. These insights have truly changed the way I live in a subtle and very positive way. I would recommed this program to anyone prepared to take a small amount of time to listen to themselves, learn about themselves, feel gratitude and happily accept themselves for who they are. Thank you Janine.
Schedule a FREE Self Love DISCOVERY Session
- Photo courtesy of Moodlab Fabulous